Sep 12, 2009

Fun in Hubba Bubba Land- A MMPG


We recently discovered this Virtual Word game site. Initially, Sneaky Pete thought that you could buy real world items with the points earned while playing the games like at Chapman's Ice-cream site. The initial disappointment quickly gave way to game addiction.

Fire up Internet Explorer for this game or you'll get multiple error messages when you try to use your points in Hubba Bubba Land.

The Hubba Bubba site has 4 multi=level games that allow players to quickly gain and bank points even at the lowest levels, yet the higher levels still provide lots of challenge. Be sure to bank your points before opting to try a level again or you will lose all your points.

All interactions between players are done by clicking on a choice of  prepared sentences.Players can buy things in Hubba Bubba Land from three globby gum figures to use with their customizable life-like avatar. "Prices" rage from 10 to  over 200 pts.  The pink brother by the fountain has bubble blowers for 10 points. Start thereimageHere are our ratings:


Safety: 5/5  Players must even choose their usernames from a list, and the notification email gives a good visual overview of the game The only email collected is the parent's, so if they forget their login, you will get the email. (Makes it tempting to just put in their email.)

Educational value: 3/5  The site is engaging and encourages reading. If your player is a struggling reader, sit down and read with them.

Moral Values: Hmm.... almost a -1  at one point Sneaky Pete  exclaimed, "I like killing the Lazy Ladies". I would also prefer avatars that wore  less form fitting clothes or had a choice of multi-cultural clothing.


Games: 4/5 great graphics and you can just jump into playing most  right away.  I like how tips  lead you through the lower levels in "Head Case" image. I wish your points didn't disappear when you click to retry a level.




Hubba Bubba World: 3/5 Great Graphics. Fairly easy to get around. Fair choice of things to say. I wonder if the bubble blowing points  get you anything? It's a bit boring just blowing bubbles. I wish you could get real prizes like on Chapman's site.

Click Here to go to Wrigley's Hubba Bubba Site.

What sites have you found  plugging name brands into your search engine?

Type  some of your favourite candy or food in this search bar. Drop us a comment to let us know shat you find!

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